
Other important things:

Don't forget all of the MATLAB code is documented in the github wiki: https://github.com/AlasdairMcLean/MATLABprototyping/wiki
Also, all of the current Go code is documented in the go github wiki: https://github.com/AlasdairMcLean/HBM-Go/wiki
Some things that have already been coded in go:

To import the above, add "./hbmutil" to your imports. You can find all the documentation on the HBM-Go wiki listed above.
You can see all the current issues/tasks on the issues page of github: https://github.com/AlasdairMcLean/HBM-Go/issues
For anyone who is using vscode
I recommend installing the following packages:

when you open vscode, there is a square icon on the left (it's the fifth one down)
if you click that, it will open extensions
you can manually search for those extensions above, and just click install and it will take care of all the installation for you